Thursday, 31 January 2019

Car maintenance checklist for road trips

The summer road trip is as American as apple pie and Fourth of July fireworks, so don’t fail in your national duty to hit the road this year just because Old Nellie is overdue for some car maintenance. 
Those who neglect doing a quick mechanical check-over – even of newer cars – before taking to the highway are begging to be stranded. We’re not talking about rebuilding the cylinder head or performing a line-bore on the crankshaft mains. Below are just a few reminders that may slip your mental checklist in the rush to get bags packed and kids fed.

Your family is counting on you to take a few preventative measures before you hurl them into the gauntlet of our national highway system.

Engine oil: Check your oil levels and the date you’re due for an oil change, preferably in your driveway before you embark on that first 29-hour leg. If you’re close to the manufacturer-recommended oil-change interval listed in your manual, then change it. Nellie deserves better than a crankcase full of gunky old oil as she hauls you up the Loveland Pass.
If you’ll be going long distances, consider opting for a synthetic motor oil. If you’re traveling in hot weather or pulling a trailer, a fully synthetic engine oil such as Mobil Super™ Synthetic can give you the extra protection against thermal breakdowns that you need. It will also cut friction losses in the engine and bump your fuel economy while creating savings that you’ll see magnified on a long drive.

Transmission and differential fluids: Did you forget about the other oil reservoirs in your car? Both your transmission and drive axle have their own lubricant supply.

Check your owner’s manual for their change intervals, as they are quite a bit longer than engine oil. A regular oil-change shop can handle the greasy job of changing manual transmission oil and the differential oil. While they are under the car, have them give the drive-shaft U-joints and any other grease points a squirt of grease.

Hoses: Rubber hoses would last 10 years if all they did were sit on a shelf. In a car, they are regularly exposed to temperatures around the 212-degree boiling point.

At high temps, the plasticizers that make rubber squishy leach out at a faster rate. Once a hose gets hard, it cracks and hot water spurts out. Look first at where both the input and output radiator hoses attach to the engine and to the radiator. The extra stress on the hose from the pipe collar and hose clamp means they typically crack and fail there first. Also check your heater hoses, which run from the engine (usually near the thermostat housing) into the firewall and back. Look for bulges or blisters, which indicate a weakness in the hose wall. If your hoses have cracks or blisters, replace them. It’s easier to do it now than in the 112-degree heat of Death Valley. As a precaution, buy a hose-patch kit at the local auto parts store.

Belts: Check the engine belts by turning them sideways with your hand so you can see the friction surface. If they’re at all ragged, torn, cracked or showing the fiber cords, it’s time for fresh ones. Newer cars often have one large belt, called a serpentine, which runs the water pump and all the accessories (A/C, power steering and alternator). If your car has less than 50,000 miles, it’s probably fine. Older cars have more than one belt to run these devices. Make sure they are all in good condition. If you hear loud screeches when you pull away from a stoplight, a loose belt is probably the cause. If they are loose – in other words, if your finger can depress the belt more than a half-inch of deflection at a point halfway between pulleys – the belt is stretched. If it’s old and worn, replace. If it’s not, you’ll have to retension it or it may fall off, usually at a really inopportune moment such as in the 2-mile backup at the turnpike toll booth.

Engine coolant: New vehicles come equipped with engine coolant designed to go 100,000 to 150,000 miles. If your car is less than four years old, check that the under-hood coolant reservoir – usually a clear plastic bottle that says “engine coolant” on the cap – is topped up.

Water is water, right? Wrong. Not all coolants are the same, and they don’t want to be mixed. Be sure to use the same coolant type as is already in the engine. You can tell the difference from the color. Green coolant is the most common, indicating an ethylene glycol-based coolant with a standard package of rust inhibitors. Orange is called Dex-Cool, originally developed by General Motors but manufactured by other coolant name brands under license. The jug should have a large “Dex-Cool” trademark on it. It is also ethylene glycol-based, but it has an enhanced package of corrosion inhibitors (and, hence, tends to be more expensive). If you have an older vehicle, check both the coolant reservoir and the radiator. If your coolant is rust-colored or looks like mucky pond water, it’s time for a change.

Tire pressure and tread: Tires are your contact with the road, and since losing contact generally results in the remains of your vehicle being vacuumed up, check ’em

out. Most people believe the appropriate tire pressure is listed on the tire itself. Actually, the number on the tire is the maximum amount of pressure the tire can hold and, if combined with extreme heat and speeds, could lead to a blowout. Be safe. Look on your driver’s side door, in the glove compartment, or on the fuel filler door for the recommended tire pressures, and check the pressure before you leave with a good gauge (available from your auto parts store) and an air hose (available at the corner gas station). Low tire pressures waste fuel and, more importantly, cause the tire to run hotter from the extra friction.

Also, look at the tread on all four tires to make sure it’s not too worn or unevenly worn. Most new tires come with about 10/32” of tread depth. If your tire tread-depth gauge (just a buck or two at the parts store) shows less than 2/32”, it’s time for new tires. You can also use a penny. If the depth is below Lincoln’s shoulder, it’s time to change. If your tires are on the bubble in terms of wear, or have a bubble in the sidewall from a recent bounce against a curb, it’s better to install new tires now than to take a chance on them wearing out while you’re on the road.

Brake system: Brake fluid classified by the government as DOT3 or DOT4 (most brake fluid, in other words) is a hygroscopic mineral oil, meaning that it attracts and absorbs moisture. As it ages, it turns the color of maple syrup and begins rusting your brake components. Check your brake reservoir for the color of the fluid, and make sure that it is topped up to the “full” mark. If you haven’t had a flush in two or three years, get one before you leave. Water-laden brake fluid, besides causing
damage to very costly brake parts, also lowers the fluid’s boiling point. A lowered boiling point can lead to a squishy brake pedal, which may provide more excitement than you want while descending out of the Rockies with a 24-foot camper in tow. If your car is newer, it may be running DOT5 fluid, which is silicon-based and not subject to water absorption. Still, you will want to flush this fluid per the recommendations in your owner’s manual.

Battery: If the battery in your car is more than a couple years old, check that the terminals are corrosion-free and the positive and negative leads are tight. If your starter sounds sluggish, it’s either corrosion or a dying battery. Don’t wait to be stranded with a dead battery. If it’s not a sealed, maintenance-free battery, have a gas station test the electrolytes. If it is sealed, they can check the output voltage. If there is corrosion – white chalky stuff on the terminals – clean it off
with a wire cable-brush available at your local parts store. Secure the leads tightly. If one falls off while you are driving, it can cause a harmful “voltage dump” that can kill the alternator, so make sure everything is tight.
Test the car: Do a quick run up the local freeway to listen for noises, feel for shakes, and watch for trouble signs in the gauges. Don’t assume everything is fine just because you drive your car every day. This is a test, not a commute, so focus on your car. Do you hear grinding or moaning from the wheels? That could be a bad wheel bearing or a worn CV joint. Does the car pull? Check for alignment problems or worn tires. Does it shimmy or squeal under braking? Might be warped rotors or worn pads. Does the brake pedal feel soft? Might mean worn pads or bad fluid. Do the headlights flicker at idle? It’s probably a loose alternator belt, a dying alternator or corroded battery terminals.

Consider checking off car maintenance items before you leave, because if Old Nellie acts up later, she could ruin your whole vacation. Family photos of America’s purple mountains’ majesty won’t put your relatives to sleep quite as quickly as those taken inside a grimy service station in Panguitch, Utah, while you’re waiting for a mechanic to get your new radiator hose drop-shipped from Fukuoka. Take time, take care, drive safely and we’ll see you out there.

Saturday, 26 January 2019

Safety Tips For Passengers And Taxi Drivers

Safety Tips For Passengers And Taxi Drivers | Taxis have become widely popular for public transportation needs. However, with every virtue there is a vice. This article does not focus only on taxi crimes committed by taxi drivers but crimes executed by malice passengers.

It would be completely unfair and judgmental if I would only point to either cabbies or passengers as criminals. Below are some safety tips which both parties can consider to stay safe.

Safety Tips For Passenger

1. Planning and Pre-Booking

Pre-planning and pre-booking are two important things you can do to avoid any sort of unfortunate circumstances. Most taxi companies have their own websites and have made it convenient and safe to book your taxi prior to your travel.

2. Learn About Local Taxi Rules

Taxi rules vary from city to city. A cabbie in New York is not allowed to charge any extra for your luggage. Hence, before you hire educate yourself with city's taxi rules to avoid being cheated.

3. Know About Your Service Provider and Taxi Driver

While booking a taxi for yourself, please make a note of details like taxi registration number and taxi Company's name. Don't feel reluctant to ask taxi driver for his license and his ID card to verify his association with taxi company. This procedure is legal and will help you file a complaint if need be or to recover things that was misplaced during your journey.

4. Pay Additional Attention

If you are new to the place, booking a taxi can make your journey easier, but not all times. Your taxi driver in order to cheat you might take a long route. To prevent such situations always carry a city map and pencil which come in handy to mark your route.

Safety Tips For Passengers And Taxi Drivers

Safety Tips For Taxi Drive

It will be unfair to put only taxi drivers responsible for taxi crimes. If a taxi driver is having a bad day he might get robbed and lose all his hard earned money. But being careful can prevent such untoward incidents.

1. Make Frequent Cash Drops

It is always advisable to carry fewer amounts with you and make frequent cash drops. But make sure you always carry some change. Following this shall save you from losing your hard earned money.

2. Be Aware and Alert

Since taxi drivers work alone all the time including late nights, it is mandatory for them to be aware and alert. A taxi driver should know the city routes very well as this comes handy when travelling to crime prone areas. Taxi drivers need to be more attentive while doing late night shifts. Minimize risk by avoiding dangerous routes of the city.

3. Maintain Eye Contact With Your Fare

When you get a passenger, always try to maintain eye contact from the moment passenger enters the taxi. It gives a simple message that you are confident and cannot be messed with. It communicates to the passenger that you can recognize him if he considers to execute any sort of crime. Avoid telling a customer that you had a good shift.

4. Communicate Well With Passenger

Communicate well with the passenger, and brief him about the planned route and estimated fare. This will reduce the risk of any dispute at the end of the journey.

* If you find yourself in danger, don't confront. Rather than doing so try to remember your passenger's features, along with conversations you had and other details. This will help in proper police investigation should there is any such unpleasant incidence.

We, Apple Taxi Cab Service [],offer you safe and on-time taxi services for almost every of your traveling need.

Friday, 18 January 2019

Travelling From North Cheam London to Other Parts of the UK

Travelling from North Cheam in London to Newport in Wales is a relatively straight forward road mostly travelling by rental car along the M4 west to Wales from London.
Many people visit Wales from London perhaps due to the lovely countryside and greenery. Sometimes they may wish to escape from the city at the weekends and relax for a few days.
Another reason could be when visitors arrive into the UK, after a few days of sight seeing, they may decide to look up some of their family tree whilst on holiday in Britain. The visitors may have found links to their past which will lead them to various parts of the UK such as Wales, Ireland and Scotland. They can combine a holiday and looking into their family tree when over in the UK for a holiday.

Travelling From North Cheam London to Other Parts of the UK

There are several rental companies based in and around the London area. If you wish to book and collect a car hire from North Cheam. Once you have picked up your rental car from here you kick start your family tree project by heading out of London on the M25.
The M25 is a circular motorway which surrounds the outside perimeter of the Capital city. From here you can reach other parts of the UK by various networks of roads and other motorways.
If you wish to drive from London to Edinburgh in Scotland. The drive time is around seven and half hours depending on traffic. Remember that in the UK they drive on the left and there maybe a few roundabouts on route. From North Cheam you can drive onto the M25 motorway then exit at Junction 7a onto the M42 heading north for Birmingham. Still heading north you would switch to the M6 then onwards to the M74 and follow directions for Edinburgh.
Most tourists love the capital city of Scotland and each year the city attracts millions of visitors each month but typically during the month of August when the Edinburgh festival is on and the Edinburgh Tattoo at the castle.
If you decide to carry on your journey north of Scotland up to Inverness. This can be achieved by driving your car hire up the M90 and A9 to the town centre. The journey time is just over three hours again depending on traffic. Many people to the area like to visit the Battle of Culloden site.
Here at the battle ground there is now a new visitor centre which offers tourists guide to the battle and clan history.
There are various motorway networks around the UK which has good transport links to all the major cities. Enjoy your car hire UK.
London North Cheam is just one of the UK locations which John Joe has written about on behalf of Car Hire North Cheam.   Read more........

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Ritin Parbat Top Tips for a Long Journey

Ritin Parbat | It’s an unavoidable fact, sometimes you have to make a longer journey than you’re used to. This could be from visiting family to relocating, so you need to make sure you’re ready for any eventuality.
Keep reading for our top tips on how to prepare yourself for a long car drive.
Prepare yourself
Before a long car journey, you need to organise yourself both mentally and physically. Make sure that you get enough rest the night before, and make sure you eat enough the following morning before you leave.
Don’t rely on caffeine to keep you alert during your journey. You might feel awake for the first part, but the effects will soon recede over time. Make sure you drink plenty of water, and have a spare bottle handy during the drive.
When it comes to longer journeys – especially to locations you’re not familiar with – it can be stressful. You’re constantly keeping an eye on the road and focussing on not getting lost, so making sure that you’re well rested means your concentration won’t lapse whilst travelling.
Prepare your car
 Equally as important for safe driving on a longer journey is checking the condition of your car before you leave. These checks should include:
·         Tyre pressure – Having the correct tyre pressure not only means you’ll be driving safely, it means you’ll be more economical with your fuel. If you have several people or lots of luggage in the car, then having the right tyre pressure is essential for safe driving.
·         Tyre tread – The minimum legal limit for tyre tread is 1.6mm, but we would always recommend having a minimum of at least 3mm. If you’re going to be travelling in adverse weather conditions, you need to know how to react should anything happen. If you’re going to be driving in winter, then take a look here on how to prepare.
·         Screens, Mirrors and Lights – Make sure that the screens are clean, and the screen wash has been topped up. Check your mirrors to ensure they’re clean, and make sure that all your lights are functioning as they should.
Plan your route
| There’s nothing worse than getting lost whilst you’re on a long journey. You’re in unfamiliar territory, you have no idea what the local landmarks are and you don’t have an alternative route.
Planning your journey the night before means you’ll be more prepared should any motorways or roads be closed the next day. Always have a back-up route in place should anything happen, and make a note of any local landmarks as a point of reference whilst driving.
You shouldn’t always have to rely on motorways as the fastest way to travel. If you’re not in a rush, then you could take the scenic route. Take a look here for top tips on how to drive safely on country roads.
Take a break
Taking a break is essential when it comes to driving long distances. The longer the journey, the more your concentration is going to be tested, so make sure that you stop whenever you start to feel tired.
If you can, then take a stop and walk around for at least 20 minutes before driving again. Along any major motorway you’ll be able to find a service station. They’re signposted throughout the route, so take note of how close you are to one when you’re feeling tired.
Restock your supplies, visit the rest room, and refocus on the rest of the journey. No matter how quickly you need to be at your destination, it’s better to be rested than driving whilst tired.
Don’t rely on technology
| Even the most up to date technology can fail. You might not have updated your Satnav in a while, or your in-car navigation system may be outdated, so make sure that you have a back up for if you get lost.
This could be the A-Z of UK roads, or it could be a printed map from the Internet, as long as you have something to reference you shouldn’t have to worry. Consider highlighting your route on the map, making reference to any local landmarks you’ll be passing.
This way if you do find yourself taking an unexpected detour, then you won’t have to worry about getting lost. Make sure that if you do have to reference your map you do so safely. Don’t read it whilst driving, park in a safe, off-road location where you’re not in danger from on-coming traffic.
Pack an emergency kit
 Forward planning is best practice when driving anywhere. You should pack an emergency kit and have it ready to use should the unexpected happen. Things to pack can include:
·         Bottled water and snacks
·         High visibility clothing
·         Warm clothing and a shovel in winter
·         First aid kit
·         Spare fuses and bulbs
·         A foot pump or tyre inflator
You can never predict what’s going to happen on the roads, so take a look at these common roadside emergencies and how to deal with them for more information.
So there we have it, our top tips for safe long journey driving. What do you think? How do you prepare before you travel? We’d love to hear your thoughts, so let us know on Facebook here, or Twitter here.
As the leading company for car or van hire in North Shropshire and South Cheshire we understand the importance of safe driving. To find out more about our self-drive vehicles, then get in touch with us here.

Friday, 4 January 2019

Road Trips - Long Distance Driving Tips

One of the biggest problems on road trips isn't flat tires or fluid issues (which do come up) but instead the stress of being in the car for so long. To have a great adventure and be excited about your trip here are some long distance driving tips that will help keep your mind engaged and keep things low stress so you can enjoy this time.
Before taking off do go ahead and have the pressure checked on your tires and your fluid levels checked. If you don't know how to do this yourself you can go in for an oil change and let them know that you're going to be putting a lot of miles on your car soon and ask them to look it over for you. Ask them to check out your spare tire, too. The popular saying is true, better safe than sorry.
To keep your mind engaged you'll certainly want to bring your favorite music with you, but you'll also want to bring things you haven't heard in a long time and things you've never heard before. Also consider checking out audio books and stand up comedians on CD. These will really help break up the trip and keep your mind awake and engaged while driving.
A GPS system will avoid a lot of problems for you. Instead of driving down the road while trying to unfold/refold a paper map and find your route, you can use a convenient touch screen and tell your GPS to find you the fastest way, the shortest way, or to avoid toll roads or highways, or find you the nearest gas station. This gives you more options than you would have figured out on your own (at least in the amount of time you want to spend staring at a map) before.
If you're going on a long distance driving road trip take these tips to heart and take your time, remember, a road trip (above all else) should be fun.
Before heading off on your next road trip make sure you have a good navigation system. Check out garmin pink GPS []
devices, or learn more about choosing the right one, accessory options, and the fun and functional pink GPS navigation

Road Trips - Long Distance Driving Tips